Friday, May 16, 2014

Beneficial Basics: They are Necessary!

Well, the time has come. The tenth and final blog post is now upon us. During this blogging experience, I have come to my own conclusion that yes, elementary schools should go back to teaching basics. In my most honest opinion, I believe that basics need to be taught and understood before moving on to more difficult lessons. Everyone needs a solid base when it comes to his or her education.

Going back to topics that I have discussed, I can say that those basics would only enhance the futures of today’s students. Basics in math. These simple basics can make any child a stronger student and can also relieve a lot of hassle when it comes to understanding more abstract concepts.

When it comes to basics in reading, writing and spelling in both the English and the French language, the benefits are quite similar. As I previously mentioned, these three skills are all linked together. To be a better writer and speller, you have to be a good reader. If elementary schools went back to teaching basics in these subjects, future students would become more effective and independent writers since they would not have to depend on others when they do not know how to spell a word. Also, these basics would allow for us to live in a more literate society.

Cursive writing. Another basic that I discussed at length. Through the research that I did on this topic, I have come to the conclusion that students would benefit immensely if elementary schools put more emphasis on this basic. Through cursive writing, students would become better writers since they will have adapted multiple fine motor skills. Also, through these fine motor skills, students will become more effective learners.

As far as life skills go, many students would benefit from these being taught in schools. Not only would it benefit students by learning these skills at a younger age, but it would also allow them to become more independent human beings.

Through the research that I did on this topic, I can conclude that learning basics in elementary school would be beneficial to everyone. It would allow us to live in a more literate society. These basics are not only useful for students ins school, but they are also useful in everyday life.


  1. As your schooling progresses (i.e. from elementary school to high school), I think having the proper understanding of basics will be the key to success because it will prevent help stress. It would be less stressful if you already understand the basics because the more complicated material builds off of the basics. There’s already enough pressure in life, so why add more by poor teaching of the fundamental skills in grade school? Overall, each point that you've made in your blog posts are very relevant to today’s educational systems and I've enjoyed reading about them.

    1. Amanda, I agree with you. Students of any age should not have to put up with any added stress regarding his or her education if it could have been avoided. In most cases, it could have been avoided by simply ensuring that basics were properly taught in every grade. I'm glad that you enjoyed reading my blog posts over the course of the semester!

  2. Excellent blog throughout. You bring up many good points. I too was frustrated in my English grade school when my French teacher could not speak the language. I agree that certain like skills should be taught in both elementary school and high school, and that not enough is being done about it.

    I must say, with all the passion that you show for this profession, I am positive that you will make an excellent teacher. Great work.
